Book Review: Made For You By Jenna Satterthwaite

Book Review: Made For You By Jenna Satterthwaite

Made For You by Jenna Satterthwaite is a fascinating and unique read. The novel follows Julia, an android known as a synth, created to compete in a The Bachelor-style reality show called “The Proposal.” Synths are rare in this world, and people either find them intriguing or view them as abominations. Julia was designed to fit the preferences of the show’s bachelor, Josh, giving her an edge over the other contestants. As expected, she becomes the frontrunner and eventually wins Josh’s heart. They get married, have a child, and everything seems perfect—until Josh goes missing, and Julia becomes the prime suspect. Read a synopsis below and learn why I gave the book four out of five stars.

Synthetic woman Julia Walden was designed for one reason: to compete on The Proposal and claim the heart of bachelor Josh LaSala. Her casting is controversial, but Julia seems to get her fairy-tale ending when Josh gets down on one knee.

Fast forward fifteen months, and Julia and Josh are married and raising their baby in small-town Indiana. But with haters around every corner, Julia’s life is a far cry from the domestic bliss she imagined. Then, her splintering world shatters: Josh goes missing, and she becomes the prime suspect in his murder.

With no one left she can trust, Julia takes the investigation into her own hands. But the explosive truths she uncovers will drive her to her breaking point—and isn’t that where a person’s true nature is revealed? That is…if Julia truly is a person. []

Is succeeding in publishing a moonshot? 🌙 (

This was such a weird book, but I was totally into it.

Jenna Satterthwaite crafted a unique premise with Made For You, and the story delivers on all fronts. Despite Julia being a synth, she is incredibly relatable as a human, and I empathized with her throughout her journey. The mystery surrounding Josh’s disappearance kept me on edge, and the twists were both surprising and satisfying.

One of the things I loved most about this book is that it felt fresh and original. I rarely come across a story that doesn’t feel like a rehash of something I’ve read before. Satterthwaite’s ability to blend elements of romance, mystery, and science fiction is commendable, and I will definitely be on the lookout for more of her work in the future.

I highly recommend Made For You to anyone who enjoys a good mystery with a twist. The concept of a synthetic human protagonist is intriguing, and Satterthwaite’s execution of the idea is top-notch. You don’t need to be a hardcore sci-fi fan to enjoy this weird, wonderful ride!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for a thoughtful and honest review.

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