
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Last Late-Night Set [Favorite Scenes]

It’s been a minute since The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel went off the air, and lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about its ending. For the most part, the entire series was pitch-perfect. From the look and feel to the writing to the acting, there was no part of the finale that I didn’t love. I could ramble on about any of the scenes featuring Alex Bornstein, Tony Shaloub, or Marin Hinkle; any one of those actors made the finale exceptional. But if I have to choose one favorite scene, it’s the incredible performance by Rachel Brosnahan during her final (and only) late-night set on The Gordon Ford show. Her monologue is the culmination of everything that made the show worth watching in the first place, and the result is stunning.

Sure, choosing the particular late-night set is cheating because it’s the obvious choice… but there is a reason it’s the obvious choice. It’s just that good. If you haven’t seen the finale yet, I would go finish the series, and then come back and visit this post. You don’t want to ruin your The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel experience by watching the end before you’ve devoured everything that comes before. And if you haven’t seen the show at all, what are you waiting for?!

For the rest of you, enjoy the final set from the finale of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel:

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