Ohio State’s Marching Band Pays Tribute to Legendary Band, Rush

Ohio State’s Marching Band Pays Tribute to Legendary Band, Rush

I have no affiliation with Ohio State, so I don’t watch their games for the football; I watch them for the halftime show… because, you guys, their marching band is amazing! I have never been disappointed by one of their performances and would watch no matter what they’re playing; that said, I flipped my lid when I saw this incredible tribute to the prog-rock band Rush.

Maybe you don’t know Rush outside of this Ohio State performance, or maybe you do, and you don’t know it. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the song “Tom Sawyer,” whether in a movie or show, at a sports arena, or because you were as addicted to the game Rock Band as I was. I was recently reminded of their greatness after watching Dave Grohl’s Paramount+ series, From Cradle to Stage (which is totally worth your time).

Watch below as one of the greatest marching bands pays tribute to one of the greatest prog-rock bands in the Maryland – Ohio halftime show below:

Join the Ohio State University Marching Band as we salute Rush, one of history’s great rock bands. We play lots of the band’s hits including “2112,” “YYZ,” “Tom Sawyer,” “Limelight” and more! Hope you enjoy! #GoBucks

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