
This Grounded Private Jet Is Actually a Luxury Villa in Bali!

As a kid, I imagined living in all kinds of weird locations: caves, treehouses, fairylands… but I don’t think I ever considered living inside a grounded jet. (Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. After watching the premiere of Lost, I did consider how much better it would be to live inside the plane rather than out in the jungle with the smoke monster.) But after seeing the Private Jet Villa by Hanging Gardens Air, I’m ready to book this home for my next vacation!

Felix Demin decided to convert a Boeing 747 aircraft into a luxury vacation home on the Indonesian island of Bali, and it is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Denim had to overcome several obstacles, including funding, transportation, and, of course, the actual conversion from a plane into a villa. The result is a picturesque and unique two-bedroom dwelling that sits on a cliff overlooking the water below.

The Private Jet Villa costs $1600 or more a night. Due to its popularity, you’ll need to save up and book in advance, but in my opinion, it’s a one-of-a-kind experience that you should have (if you can afford it). Take a virtual tour – watch the video below:

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