What Is It Like To Survive Day 1 of Boot Camp?

What Is It Like To Survive Day 1 of Boot Camp?

I’ve always said I wouldn’t survive boot camp. Growing up as a military brat with a family full of military men, I’ve heard my fair share of horror stories. So when my father, a former US Army officer, asked if I’d ever consider joining the military, I looked at him like he was out of his mind. To this day, I still can’t figure out what made him think I’d be up for it. I’m soft, I’m undisciplined—I would’ve been eaten alive. Yet, I’ve always been curious about what it’s like to go through boot camp and endure that intense experience.

Boot camps vary depending on the military branch or law enforcement agency you choose, but they all have one thing in common: they’re designed to shock your system from the moment you arrive. From the start, you’re thrown into high-pressure situations and faced with intimidating leaders.

The video below offers a glimpse into the first day of boot camp across different military and law enforcement agencies. Could you survive?

Before joining military branches and law enforcement agencies, future service members must survive day one. We traveled the country to see what new recruits and cadets experience on day one of training at law enforcement agencies, military branches, and military colleges and academies.

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