Forgotten Foods From the 1980s

Forgotten Foods From the 1980s

There was a time when I lived off of Jello Pudding Pops all summer long, and honestly, I don’t know why they disappeared. I would do almost anything (okay, now I’m getting dramatic) to have a box in my freezer right now. But seriously, there is something so deliciously nostalgic about foods from the 1980s. Many of these dishes lived in my house well into the 1990s (and beyond), which is why I remember them so well.

Sloppy Joes and seven-layer dip are still cooked in my home on occasion, but the days when I would dish up some of these foods from the 1980s are gone. I haven’t had a good Beef Stroganoff or Chicken Kiev in I don’t know how long, and before today, I didn’t even know what Veal Tonnato was.

Check out more forgotten foods from the 1980s in the video below – how many of these dishes do you remember?!

Curious which iconic flavors from the ’80s we are dying to taste again? Today, we’ve rounded up 18 foods that we’d love to see make a comeback. The frosty sweetness of Pudding Pops coupled with the soothing warmth of Hot Buttered Cheerios has us eagerly awaiting, lips prepped and ready. Before we start, has anyone else’s mouth already started watering? No? Just me then!

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