CSI: Vatican – The Hunt for Real-Life Miracles [Sunday Best]

CSI: Vatican – The Hunt for Real-Life Miracles [Sunday Best]

So, you want to know what it takes for something to qualify as a miracle in the Catholic Church? Well, it’s not just about a surprise rainbow or finding your keys in the fridge—Catholics take miracles seriously, and there’s a whole process for confirming them.

First off, it has to be unexplainable by science. We’re talking about things like healings that make doctors go, “Wait, what?” No medical reasoning allowed. Then, there needs to be proof that prayers were involved—usually to a saint. That’s right, if you’re hoping for a miracle, you better be tight with a saint.

Next, the Vatican steps in with an official investigation. They send in experts who analyze every detail like a detective squad, looking for any logical explanation. If they come up empty-handed, you could get the green light.

Finally, if you’re going for sainthood, you need at least two confirmed miracles (though there are some loopholes, like if you’re a martyr—one miracle will do). Basically, it’s a lot tougher than just hoping for a stroke of luck! Miracles are rare, but it’s a big deal when they happen.

Get the scoop on the Vatican’s process in the video below:

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