An Uncomplicated Life: A Father’s Memoir of His Exceptional Daughter

An Uncomplicated Life: A Father’s Memoir of His Exceptional Daughter

An Uncomplicated Life: A Father’s Memoir of His Exceptional Daughter is a love letter from a father to his daughter. Paul Daughterty is a sports writer, husband, and father. His abilities are tested when he first learns his daughter Jillian has Down syndrome.

Down Syndrome is “a set of physical and mental traits caused by a gene problem that happens before birth.”


Jillian’s limitations are real, but she is an exceptional girl with endless possibilities through her father’s eyes. It’s impossible to deny Daugherty’s beautiful bond with his daughter. This book brought tears of celebration or joy to my eyes. It was easy to feel what Daugherty must have felt when writing about his daughter. He allowed the reader to see his daughter from a proud parent’s perspective.

The reason I didn’t love the book had everything to do with the writing and nothing to do with the story. The book was repetitive and rambled on far too much. But this book is a heartfelt effort overall. I encourage everyone to try An Uncomplicated Life. Daugherty rambles at worst; at best, you’ll fall in love with Jillian and her story.

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