
Angus & Julia Stone Cover Lewis Capaldi’s Someone You Loved

I love Angus & Julia Stone, and at one point, I was obsessed with Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved,” so imagine my delight when I learned the duo covered Capaldi’s hit on triple j’s Like A Version. The Australian indie-pop duo stopped by the radio station to participate in one of triple j’s most popular segments.

Back in 2019, you couldn’t turn on the television or radio or look at a top Spotify list without hearing Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved.” The singer from Glasgow, Scotland, had taken the world by storm, and we all overplayed his music. At one point, I had to ban the song altogether (even though I was the one who overplayed the song for myself). I needed a temporary time-out. But that time-out has lasted long enough, and I’m so grateful to Angus & Julia Stone for bringing the song back into my life!

Listen to the haunting cover of “Someone You Loved” as only the indie duo could perform it:

Want more? Check out the behind-the-scenes footage:

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