Asa Butterfield and Robert De Niro Eat Stuff and Go Places

Asa Butterfield and Robert De Niro Eat Stuff and Go Places

Who wouldn’t want to be friends with Robert De Niro? Not only has he had a prolific career, but he seems to be a pretty great guy. I know that if I suddenly found myself co-starring with the acting legend, I would do everything in my power to impress him and win his approval. That’s why I absolutely identify with Asa Butterfield in the latest Uber Eats commercial.

In the commercial, Asa Butterfield is cast alongside Robert De Niro and desperately wants to forge a connection (however, after binge-watching all seasons of Sex Education, I’m certain De Niro would be delighted to be Butterfield’s friend as well!). Although they appear to have little in common at first, they discover that their love of food and travel brings them together over time. Are they lifelong friends? You make the call! Watch the wonderfully sweet and funny Uber Eats ad below:

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