Ad-Tastic: Dolce & Gabbana’s ‘The Only One’ Starring Emilia Clarke

Ad-Tastic: Dolce & Gabbana’s ‘The Only One’ Starring Emilia Clarke

The world has been in love with Emilia Clarke ever since the actress first appeared on HBO’s Game of Thrones. As the final season approaches, Dolce & Gabbana is taking advantage of Clarke’s celebrity by casting her as the center of their most recent advertising campaign, The Only One. And can you blame them? The girl is gorgeous!

In the perfume ad, Emilia Clarke is eating dinner with friends in Rome. The atmosphere is lively as the patrons enjoy food, conversation, and music; eventually, Clarke joins in the festivities with a tune of her own, and the whole crowd gets involved.

The Ad is stylish, beautiful, and, most importantly, entertaining to watch (update: the short film is no longer available):

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