
Book Review: Hip-Hop Is History by Questlove

Hip-Hop is History by Questlove (from the band The Roots) is a fantastic ride down music memory lane. It smartly connects the dots between different eras of hip-hop, with each chapter diving into groups of artists or standout tracks from specific periods. Questlove uses cultural references to show how the music changed and influenced future artists. Learn more about the book and find out why I gave this book four out of five stars.

In Hip-Hop is History, Questlove, one of the major and most revolutionary figures of that genre, unpicks one hip-hop song from each of the years since the sound of breakbeat drums first burst out of a house party in the Bronx on 11 August 1973. Clive Campbell, a Jamaican-born teenager threw the party. Questlove wants to talk about the present. In this book he analyses the conditions of each song’s creation, its lyrical and musical content, and its role in pushing the genre forward and shining a light on Black American History. Questlove was there at the beginning. He’s still creating and influencing in the present. He is the perfect companion on this journey through the music, the context and the lasting impact. []

What’s really great about Hip-Hop is History is that it’s not just a history lesson; it’s also a personal journey. Questlove shares his own thoughts and stories about the artists and music he writes about, making it feel like you’re having a conversation with the author rather than receiving a history lecture. His insights are always interesting and well-thought-out, even if you don’t always agree with them.

If you’re a music lover, this book is a must-read. Questlove fills in a lot of blanks about how hip-hop evolved over the years. He mentions right from the start that he had to make some tough choices about what to include and admits that his own perspective is bound to show through. Even if you don’t agree with all his opinions, his take is definitely food for thought.

Overall, Hip-Hop is History is a great read that captures the essence of hip-hop’s growth and cultural impact. Questlove’s passion and knowledge make this book a highly recommended addition to any music enthusiast’s collection.

Thank you to NetGalley, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, and AUWA for this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest and thoughtful review.

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Grammy-winning artist Questlove has been making music professionally for more than 30 years. His new book “Hip-Hop Is History” traces the creative and cultural forces that helped turn hip-hop into what it is today.

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