Joan of Arc: France’s Fiercest Teen Hero [History Lesson]

Joan of Arc: France’s Fiercest Teen Hero [History Lesson]

Discover the incredible story of Joan of Arc, the fearless teenage warrior who, with divine visions, led France to victory and changed history forever.

Joan of Arc: the ultimate medieval girl boss. A teenager from the French countryside who, out of nowhere, claims she’s getting visions from saints telling her to lead an army and save France from the English. How much do you know about the patron saint of France?

Against all odds, Joan of Arc convinced the crown to let her lead troops—yes, a teenage girl commanded soldiers in the 1400s! And guess what? She won. Repeatedly. Joan became a national hero, but of course, the story takes a tragic turn when she’s captured and executed at 19. Still, her legacy as a fearless, determined warrior has inspired countless generations.

For a detailed and incredibly entertaining retelling of Joan of Arc’s life, watch the video below:

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