The Future by Naomi Alderman [Book Review]

The Future by Naomi Alderman [Book Review]

The Future by Naomi Alderman reads like a view of our potential future if a few self-centered billionaires ran the world (wait…), if we had remarkable drone and AI technology (yeah…), and if the earth was perishing from global warming (uh…). It’s essentially an action-packed and thought-provoking narrative about the planet we might inhabit in the not-too-distant future. And I enjoyed almost every second of it! Find out why I gave the novel 4/5 stars below.

The Future—as the richest people on the planet have discovered—is where the money is.

The Future is a few billionaires leading the world to destruction while safeguarding their own survival with secret lavish bunkers.

The Future is private weather, technological prophecy, and highly deniable weapons.

The Future is a handful of friends—the daughter of a cult leader, a non-binary hacker, an ousted Silicon Valley visionary, the concerned wife of a dangerous CEO, and an internet-famous survivalist—hatching a daring plan. It could be the greatest heist ever. Or the cataclysmic end of civilization.

The Future is what you see if you don’t look behind you.

The Future is the only reason to do anything, the only object of desire.

The Future is here. []

The Future follows several different characters as an impending apocalypse approaches. The world’s three wealthiest billionaires hatch a plan to escape what’s coming by utilizing underground bunkers concealed across the planet. They don’t care to stop the imminent death and destruction because they believe they can survive and prosper when it’s over. Others, however, think they can undo the harm done and save the world and the people in it. To succeed, they must race against the clock and devise hidden strategies without getting caught.

I’d heard excellent things about Naomi Alderman’s previous novel, The Power, but never had the chance to read it. This was my first exposure to Alderman’s work, and I’m now a big fan! I intend to read everything the author has written.

The Future is a wild ride that makes you wonder how much of this fictional story could actually happen. How much of it has already happened?! I strongly recommend you add this book to your reading list!

(Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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