Amy Winehouse Talks Frank Sinatra: Rare 2004 Interview

Amy Winehouse Talks Frank Sinatra: Rare 2004 Interview

When most think of Amy Winehouse, they think of tragedy. It’s so easy to go there because she was such a unique talent and died too soon. Like so many in the 27-Club, she used drugs and alcohol to escape the pressures of fame, ultimately leading to her death in 2011. She made attempts to stay clean, but those attempts were often short-lived. But that was just a part of her life and who she was, and we forget all the light and joy she brought into our lives. To this day, if I hear the songs “Valerie” or “Rehab,” I turn up the volume and sing along. Winehouse was an amazing talent, and we should remember the good times as well as the bad.

In 2004, Amy Winehouse sat down for an interview during the MTV Summercamp Festival in the Netherlands. I’ll warn you right now: it’s slightly awkward but still worth watching. In this interview, you get to see a younger, clear-eyed Winehouse as she discusses aspects of her life, including her relationship with Frank Sinatra.

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