Atlanta From the Ashes: A Short Film

Atlanta From the Ashes: A Short Film

Atlanta, Georgia, is known for its historical roots in the Civil War, the Olympic bombings, and the international airport. Anyone who has traveled through the US more than once has most likely changed planes in Atlanta at some point. It’s a city known for music, sports, colleges, and Coca-Cola, but there is so much more than most know. Atlanta from the Ashes shows the resistance and beauty of the southern city.

In Atlanta From the Ashes, filmmaker Andrew Litten and crew share the city they have come to know over the years. The short documentary is a tribute to what the city has grown into while also honoring the past. The documentary notes that looking to the great leaders of the past can help shape a better tomorrow for the city’s youth.

Litten touches on the history, food, culture, hometown pride, music, civil rights, education, politics, gentrification, community, and more. It’s been a long time since I’ve been down to visit Atlanta, but after watching Atlanta From the Ashes, I think it’s time to hop on down there for a few days.

An exploration of Atlanta’s resiliency and how the youth of Atlanta can look to the past for leadership and perseverance to move forward.

Directed by: Andrew Litten
Cinematography by: Kristian Zuniga
Original Music by: Omar Ferrer

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