
Book Review: Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies

Let me just say it—Catherine Mack’s Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies is a riot! From the jump, you’re thrown into a wild ride as Eleanor, a popular author, decides to kill off Connor Smith, a cherished character from her book, in order to escape her blackmailer: the real Connor Smith. Things get really juicy when (the real) Connor, a charming conman and Eleanor’s former flame, starts receiving actual death threats. Eleanor has to juggle promoting her new book all over Italy and keeping the real Connor alive. Find out why I gave this book three out of five stars!

All that bestselling author Eleanor Dash wants is to get through her book tour in Italy and kill off her main character, Connor Smith, in the next in her Vacation Mysteries series―is that too much to ask?

Clearly, because when an attempt is made on the real Connor’s life―the handsome but infuriating con man she got mixed up with ten years ago and now can’t get out of her life―Eleanor’s enlisted to help solve the case.

Contending with literary rivals, rabid fans, a stalker―and even her ex, Oliver, who turns up unexpectedly―theories are bandied about, and rivalries, rifts, and broken hearts are revealed. But who’s really trying to get away with murder? []

This was my first time reading Catherine Mack’s work, and her writing style intrigued me right away. I wasn’t a huge fan of every character being compared to a celebrity or the multitude of quirky “footnotes” throughout (not your usual footnotes, mind you). Still, once I let go of taking it all too seriously, I laughed out loud and thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Mack’s got a knack for blending humor with suspense in a way that’s hard to resist.

Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies is the epitome of a lighthearted, or what some might call a “cozy” mystery with relatively low stakes. The whole thing is rather PG. Picture a Hallmark mystery movie in book form—if that’s your jam, then this book is calling your name. It’s the perfect companion for a lazy day at the beach. So grab a copy, kick back, and prepare for a fun-filled, page-turning adventure!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this advanced reader’s copy in exchange for an honest and thoughtful review.

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