Charlie Berens: Midwest Goodbye Comedy Special

Charlie Berens: Midwest Goodbye Comedy Special

I should say this: first, I am not from the Midwest. I have distant relatives in the Midwest, and I’ve visited much of it (although I’m not sure about Wisconsin), but I am an East Coast city girl. I don’t know that I “get” all of Charlie Berens’s jokes, but it doesn’t matter because I laughed the entire way through his first comedy special, Midwest Goodbye.

For those unfamiliar with Charlie Berens, he has recently become known for his social media and sketch comedy videos. However, make no mistake, he is an award-winning journalist. Just because he plays nice (and sometimes a little dumb) in his caricatures of midwesterners, he is one smart guy. And I think it’s because of his sharp wit and observational prowess that his comedy attracts people from all over the country and across political lines. Mostly, he’s a clean comedian, too, so families can often watch and laugh together. And while I love all types of comedians (if you can make me laugh, I don’t care how you do it), it is nice to know I can often send a clip of Berens without a bunch of NSFW labels.

Charlie Berens debuts his first full-length comedy special, and I promise you’ll be laughing from the start. Watch his full-length Midwest Goodbye special below:

Charlie Berens takes the stage at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee for his first full-hour comedy special, “Midwest Goodbye.”

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