Cruise Around South America for 71 Days [Luxury Travel]

Cruise Around South America for 71 Days [Luxury Travel]

Not everyone can throw down at least $50,000 for one cruise experience, but this cruise around South America might be worth it. Of course, you also have to have 71 days of vacation time (or hope you have enough resources to work remotely when needed). But if time and money are no object, check out the Royal Caribbean luxury Silversea cruise!

World cruises have not been popular during the pandemic, but now that the travel industry is picking up again, Royal Caribbean’s new Silver Nova hybrid ship is ready to cruise around South America.

The ship will travel to 38 locations throughout 18 different countries before returning to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Experience the rainforest, Carnival, local cuisine, and so much more!

A warm bienvenidos to this exclusive roundtrip voyage featuring the absolute best of South America. In 2024, Silver Nova will take you around the entire coast of Latina America to 38 different destinations in 18 countries. We’ll take you deep inland too, as you’ll sail down the Amazon River right to magical Manaus at the heart of the continent. You’ll visit the southern tip of the world at Ushuaia and be entirely awestruck as you gaze out at the impressive landscapes of the Chilean glaciers and fjords. Lima, Buenos Aires and Montevideo will welcome you to discover all of their amazing secrets and you’ll get to mix it up with the locals at the explosive Rio de Janeiro Carnival for three whole days. Welcome to the Grand Voyage with a Latin American soul.

Book your cruise around South America today at!

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