Lose Some Weight: Body Positivity for Any Size or Shape

Lose Some Weight: Body Positivity for Any Size or Shape

Lose Some Weight reminds us that while we should always work to better our health, we should be proud of ourselves at any size. But saying that and doing that are two very different things.

In the video, an overweight woman is working hard on her health with proper exercise and diet and feeling really good about it. When she proudly posts her progress on social media, one comment rudely states that she needs to lose weight. And for all of us who know the struggle, your heart will break at her reply, “That’s what I’m trying to do.”

For everyone who has struggled to better themselves in one way or another, it’s often a long and hard journey. It’s easy to let outside, negative voices deter you from your goals and, sometimes, even stop your progress altogether. Be proud of who you are and what you’re trying to do. By the end of the video, you’ll understand how much better your life can be when you promote self-acceptance instead of self-doubt. Watch for yourself:

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