Bill Durden is ‘Lost at Sea’ from Charles Schwab

Bill Durden is ‘Lost at Sea’ from Charles Schwab

Lost at Sea is changing the game for financial commercials. I don’t often find investment advertising to be uplifting or inspiring. In fact, usually, I find these commercials very, very boring. However, in a new campaign, Charles Schwab removes the financial aspect and focuses solely on the customer. It’s a gamble that pays off – Bill Durden’s story is anything but boring!

Bill Durden’s story is scary and, ultimately, fascinating. I completely forgot I watched a promotional short film from a financial institution. There is no mention of the organization aside from a quick note that Durden is a Charles Schwab customer and a line of text at the very end. The short film is about Bill Durden and his terrifying experience of becoming stranded in the middle of the ocean overnight with no boat, no life raft, and no life vest – it was his sheer will to survive that kept him going.

25 miles offshore. You go overboard, your boat takes off. What happens next? Schwab client Bill Durden’s incredible story of survival shows that with the right attitude anything is possible. Ask questions. Be engaged. Own your tomorrow.

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