Peter Dinklage Reads A Hilarious Letter Defending Beavers

Peter Dinklage Reads A Hilarious Letter Defending Beavers

Is there anything Peter Dinklage can’t do? He amazed me in Game of Thrones, made me do an accidental spit take because he was so funny in the original Death at a Funeral (and the remake!), and let’s not forget how he touched my heart in the movie where I first noticed him, The Station Agent. I guess it’s not surprising that he could have an audience laughing out loud over a response letter to the Department of Environmental Quality.

In December 1997, as a result of an official complaint from a neighbour, a Michigan resident named Stephen Tvedten received, indirectly, a stern warning from the region’s Department of Environmental Quality in the form of a letter – a letter in which he was given six weeks to remove two “unauthorized” and “hazardous” dams from the stream on his property or else face prosecution. Tvedten’s amusing response soon made the local news. The case was quickly dropped.

In the video below, watch as Dinklage reads the letter written by Stephen Tvedten word for word. I dare you not to laugh!

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