Rescue at Sea: The Viking Sky Cruise Ship Disaster of 2019

Rescue at Sea: The Viking Sky Cruise Ship Disaster of 2019

In March 2019, the world watched in awe as the Viking Sky cruise ship, carrying over 1,300 guests and crew members, went through a terrifying ordeal off the coast of Norway. What was supposed to be a scenic cruise through Norway’s fjords turned into a nautical crisis.

When disaster struck, the Viking Sky cruise ship was traveling through a stormy Norwegian Sea. A violent storm with hurricane-force winds and massive waves caused engine failure, leaving the vessel floundering in the rough waters. Passengers onboard were in danger, as the ship was near the rocky coastline.

The Viking Sky accident drew international attention, with people worldwide holding their breath while rescue operations unfolded. In a daring rescue attempt, helicopters were sent to transport passengers and crew to safety one by one.

Following the event, Viking Cruises, the ship’s owner, examined safety processes and implemented changes to protect the safety of guests and staff on future voyages. Find out more about the near-shipwreck in the video below:

For the 1,370 passengers on board the Viking Sky, their holiday quickly turned to hell. The ship’s engines died, and holidaymakers had to be rescued by helicopter. But cruise industry insiders say the disaster could have been much worse. This story originally aired on the 31st March 2019.

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