This Corvette Drives on Water! See the Corvette Boat in Action

This Corvette Drives on Water! See the Corvette Boat in Action

I’m not sure who to target here: boat enthusiasts? Car enthusiasts? Both?! It looks like a car; more specifically, it looks like a Corvette, but it drives like a small speed boat or a large jet ski with no brakes. So, is it a car-boat or a boat-car? You decide. What I do know is that this Corvette Boat looks like a lot of fun.

The next time you’re in Dubai, you can rent a Corvette Boat (sometimes mistaken as a Ferrari Boat) for around $700 an hour. While the price might be a little steep, if you can afford it, the whole experience looks incredible! Watch a test drive below:

This Ferrari can drive on water! This is one of the newest luxury billionaire toys in Dubai and the world’s first water supercar. Today, Sergi and Nicki show you around this millionaire toy and how it works. These jetski/boat supercars are currently based on Corvette and Ferrari but will also include Bentley, Aston Martin, and Bugatti in the near future in Dubai.

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