Tour a  Million, 120-Year-Old New York City Mansion!

Tour a $24 Million, 120-Year-Old New York City Mansion!

It’s crystal clear that getting my hands on a historic mansion in Manhattan’s Upper West Side is as likely as finding a unicorn in Central Park. I’m grounded in reality and fully aware of where I stand financially. But that doesn’t stop me from indulging in a guilty pleasure from time to time, like peeking into the opulent lifestyles of the super-rich. So, you can bet I’m all in for this virtual tour of a New York City mansion. It’s the ultimate way to satisfy my curiosity without worrying over my appearance (do I look rich enough?!) or scrambling to secure an appointment.

Let’s tour this incredible 120-year-old mansion in New York City’s Upper West Side, worth a whopping $24 million! (Also, if you’re the buyer, can we be friends?! Kidding… kind of….)

In this week’s New York City apartment tour, I give you a tour of a 120-year-old Gilded NYC Mansion! Comment what types of luxury real estate, unique architecture, and beautiful home tours you want to see next week!

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