Best of Dance: Final Battle of 2002’s Drumline

Best of Dance: Final Battle of 2002’s Drumline

Drumline is not necessarily a dance movie; this is true, but the choreography is pretty outstanding. I dare you to watch the final battle scene and tell me it’s not a form of dance. Sure, they have to play drums and percussion at the same time, which, in my opinion, makes it even harder.

The movie starred a young Nick Cannon and Zoe Saldana as a college couple falling in love while Cannon’s character, Devon Miles, struggles as a fledgling talent on the college’s prestigious drum line. As Miles attempts to win over his band director (Orlando Jones) and drum-line leader (Leonard Roberts), he must learn to accept help when he can.

The movie itself is OK; it’s a cheesy movie from the early 2000s that I weirdly love, but there is no question that the drum line (and overall marching band) scenes in this movie are well worth your time. Watch the final battle between the rival schools below (and then watch the whole movie if you haven’t seen it already!). This definitely belongs in the best-of-dance category.

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