Rick Astley Releases Never Gonna Give You Up Animated Music Video

Rick Astley Releases Never Gonna Give You Up Animated Music Video

If you’ve ever been rickrolled, you know all about Rick Astley and the 1980s music video for “Never Gonna Give You Up.” And, if you’re like me, you’re already struggling to get the song out of your head. Sorry about that. But what I’m not sorry about is introducing you to that same classic video, but this time it’s animated!

Initially released in 1987, artist Rick Astley wanted to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the song in a meaningful way. So, after a year of hard work, he (and other talented individuals) released a frame-by-frame animated recreation of the original viral hit.

In case you’ve never seen the infamous original music video (HOW?!), here it is:

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