The McDonald’s Hipster Coffee Ad You Don’t Want To Miss!

The McDonald’s Hipster Coffee Ad You Don’t Want To Miss!

When I have time, I love a little, cool, unique coffee joint, but to be honest, most of the time, I’m in a rush, and I want my coffee quick and easy.  In a recent ad from McDonald’s, their McCafe line attacks the slow and often confusing coffee experiences that are popping up around the world.

The McDonald’s ad is brilliant; for someone who travels quite a bit, I like finding small, non-commercial coffee cafes, but lately, I am starting to feel like some of the customers in this commercial.  No, I don’t want to play ping pong.  No, I don’t want to brew my own coffee.  No, I don’t want to wait twenty minutes while you garnish my coffee.  No, I don’t want to select from 16 different dark roast varieties… I JUST WANT A CUP OF COFFEE!!!

Even if you’re a die-hard Starbucks-er (that’s what I call myself), you can appreciate the rushed feeling and need for that simple cup of coffee without all the fuss.  Watch the ad below:

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