SAY WHAT?! Titanic Iceberg Myth Debunked

SAY WHAT?! Titanic Iceberg Myth Debunked

The Titanic iceberg is as prolific as the ship itself. After all, the massive, natural ocean ice cube was why over 1000 lives were lost on April 15th, 1912… right? According to recent findings, it may not have been the iceberg alone that caused the boat to sink!

Senan Molony, an editor and journalist in Ireland, noticed a black spot on the ship’s hull while studying photographs of the Titanic before it left on its historic voyage. The black spot indicated a fire inside that could have been burning for up to 3 weeks, weakening the metal structure near the front of the boat. This weak spot, once discovered, did not seem to be reason enough to cancel the trip across the Atlantic.

The “unsinkable” ship cost around the equivalent of $166 million today and was so large that it took staff up to two weeks to memorize their way around. It was unimaginable that a giant iceberg could easily sink a ship of that size. However, the theory makes sense when you consider the iceberg collided with the exact spot where the fire had weakened the hull. And it doesn’t end there…

In the video below, the entire tragedy of errors is explained. If even one of these numerous events had been different, perhaps the 1000+ lives lost would have made it to the other side of the ocean as expected.

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