What Makes For Good Art?

What Makes For Good Art?

Art is subjective, but let’s be honest: some pieces make you stop and stare in awe, while others make you scratch your head and wonder if your toddler could have done better. So, what determines good art from bad? And how do artists, galleries, or private owners know what to charge in a sale?

Obviously, the emotional impact is the most essential factor for an owner or admirer—art should make you feel something! Originality is critical, too; nobody wants to look at another cookie-cutter piece. We all crave that unique experience. But when it comes to price, there are other factors to consider: technique and quality can’t be overlooked, critic reviews can offer some guidance, the piece’s backstory can add value, and general interest in the work can drive up its worth. So, next time you’re eyeing a piece, keep these in mind before whipping out your wallet!

Learn more about what makes for good art in the video from Crash Course below:

What makes some art valuable enough to hang in museums? In this episode of Crash Course Art History, we’ll look at different ways we can figure out the value of art beyond the number on the price tag, and we’ll examine how culture, society, history, and storytelling influence how we evaluate artwork.

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