Christmas Infiltration with Donald Glover & Danny Pudi

Christmas Infiltration with Donald Glover & Danny Pudi

Before I knew about Childish Gambino, I knew about Donald Glover’s musical skills through episodes of Community. I’m a massive fan of the show, and even though Glover has explained his time on the series wasn’t always fun, I found his work on the show undeniably funny. The “Christmas Infiltration” rap with Danny Pudi as Abed is one of my favorite scenes in all of Community, and trust me, I have a LOT of favorites from that series.

In “Regional Holiday Music,” Community takes on the then-popular show Glee with this incredibly hilarious 2011 musical episode. The always-comical Taran Killam appears as Greendale’s glee club director and works very hard to entice each group member to join his choir just in time for regionals. After the director convinces Abed, he approaches his best friend Troy, a Jehovah’s Witness, to join the Christmas fun as a secret investigator of the holiday. What transpires is a hilarious and fun holiday rap. Watch!

As Abed (Danny Pudi) tries to convince the group to help Mr. Radisson (Taran Killam), he goes to convince the group starting with Troy (Donald Glover).

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