Climate Emergency: A Collaboration on Climate Change

Climate Emergency: A Collaboration on Climate Change

Not only does this thought-provoking animation touch on the global issue of climate change, but it also demonstrates the beauty of creative collaboration. Animators from around the world worked together to create the compelling short film Climate Emergency – Exquisite Corpse.

“Climate Emergency – Exquisite Corpse” by Yves Paradis and Friends – Motion design – STASH : Motion design – STASH (

Each animator was only shown 5 seconds of the sequence before their own. Once they reviewed the other sample, they were given two months to complete their own segment. And the cycle continued until the short was complete.

The end result is nothing short of remarkable. Because the styles and music blended from segment to segment, it’s impossible to know one animator’s work from the next.

Watch the finished product, Climate Emergency – Exquisite Corpse, below:

Exquisite Corpse of 7 parts from animators around the world. Each one was given the last 5 sec of the previous animator and 2 months to create their own animation. Blended in one color palette, the idea was to make a visual dialogue on the theme of climate emergency. A way to both be creative and exchange on this important subject of our time. Sounds & music was wonderfully composed by John Poon. Animation by: Dino & Teacups, Carlos Alegria, Ala Nunu, Martynas Auž, Hend & Lamia, Ilona Poliszczuk and Yves Paradis.

If you’re interested in learning more about the initiative behind this video, check out

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